#Roque Alva
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matthew-s-j · 4 months ago
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old-deerstalker-hat · 11 months ago
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punochkasstuff · 1 year ago
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roque alva has these vibes you can't change my mind
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shkar-sd · 1 year ago
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When I started reading "Gleams of Aeterna" by Vera Kamsha, I fell in love with this character from the first pages. So I couldn't help but draw him)
Всем фанатам "Отблесков Этерны" посвящается! Ворон прекрасен, и он многим успел запасть в душу, в том числе и мне)
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sunincubeart · 1 year ago
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In the Dark of Labyrinth
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izargx · 14 days ago
Сегодня случайно выяснила, что в БГ3 можно сделать Алву, идентичного натуральному.
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Даже не знаю, что делать с этим знанием. Я уже даже не в фэндоме.
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lost-and-cursed · 5 months ago
Autobiography, epeolatry, and book-bosomed for the book ask!
Autobiography: Who is the protagonist you most relate to?
That's very funny question to answer because to be completely honest it's a character from the book that weren't translated from Russian into like... any language. It's a fantasy where he, Roque Alva, is both highest marshall and a duke, ridiculously competent and depressed, effectively immortal (because of the curse) and also everyone around him die or betray him (because of the curse) and he thinks that the curse is he sold his soul to devil or smth (it's not). He also bisexual disaster, proponent of make problems bestowed on him other people's problem and a war criminal(also a bit OP). He was my role model since I was sixteen, helped to circumvent certain mental health patterns (i really didn't want to end up like him lmao) and was the first and only character I can claim to "kin" in popular understanding of the word. We are just on the same wavelength. And he also was a breath of fresh air in occasionally hair-tearing passages of book
The hero of the Night.
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Speaking from the books someone realistically might read... Idk. I found myself really relating to Hamlet.
(maybe the secret is i feel kinship with characters that are just Haunted by their life)
Epeolatry: What is your favorite book quote?
Oh. All the questions are out to get me. For the record, I have exceptionally bad memory. Like I barely can remember words you said to me 30 seconds ago. I won't remember quote if I didn't reread it fairly recently. I constantly awed by different quotes in the books, but unfortunately I don't keep track of them. That said
'But look, you found the notice, didn't you? ' 'Yes,' said Arthur, 'yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard.
From the Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy. I both remember it (noticeable quality) and enjoy it tremendously.
Book-bosomed: what is a book you feel everyone should read?  
Depends on how you pose a question. If I had ability to force everyone read one book
... because it's amazing?
Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell. Very thoughtful, multiple perspectives, interesting wordbuilding, plays around with language, combines few different genres and eras
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... because how do you stil don't know it how how I'll start chewing your shoes ?
Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. Both The Staple and The Cradle of Fantasy. If you absolutely must read only one fantasy book. Let it be Tolkien. It has everything. Is pretty amazing. Wordbuilding out for my heart.
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(but I was lately informed that a lot of people don't enjoy reading it because it's epos, and I am not really cruel and also don't really believe that anyone Must read something)
(if I was unusually cruel Silmarillion would be so funny for the book to force people to read, most of them won't even read LOTR, comedy gold)
If I was to recommend a book keeping in mind that not all people like dense books?
Probably aforementioned Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy. It's easy. It's fun. It has puns. 42.
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Or wait hmmmmmmmmmmm
It's my chance to propagate amazing unpopularish stuff.
So everyone goes to read Myth Adventures cycle by Robert Asprin (first few books are really cool and then read as much as you feel like).
It has very good dialogue, and sniping and sarcasm. It's a comedy and slight parody on the genre with backwater mage student that dreams of becoming a Thief and reluctant teacher who lost his magic just now as he was summoned to this backwater town and now they need to flee from the assassins and learn magic on the road. Also teacher big and green and has sharp teeth hope this helps
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regaladosociology2024 · 10 months ago
Alzheimer’s Research UK. 2024. “Vascular Dementia Explained.” Alzheimer’s Research UK. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/news/vascular-dementia-explained/). 
Boise, Linda, David L. Morgan, Jeffrey Kaye, and Richard Camicioli. 1999. “Delays in the Diagnosis of Dementia: Perspectives of Family Caregivers.” American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 14(1):20-26.
BrightFocus. 2015. “Brain with Alzheimer’s Disease.” BrightFocus. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.brightfocus.org/alzheimers/infographic/brain-alzheimers-disease).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2019. “What Is Dementia?” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.cdc.gov/aging/dementia/index.html).
Cronkite News. 2018. “Simulation Shows Caregivers What It’s Like to Live with Dementia.” Cronkite News. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2018/08/02/dementia-simulation/). 
Digby, Robin, Susan Lee, and Allison Williams. 2018. “The ‘Unworthy’ Patient with Dementia in Geriatric Rehabilitation Hospitals.” Collegian 25(4): 377-383. 
González-Salvador, Teresa, Constantine G. Lyketsos, Alva Baker, Linda Hovanec, Carmel Roques, Jason Brandt, Cynthia Steele. 2000. “Quality of Life in Dementia Patients in Long-Term Care.” International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 15(2): 181-189.
Hoyt, Jeff. 2024. “Assisted Living vs Skilled Nursing.” SeniorLiving.Org. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.seniorliving.org/compare/assisted-living-vs-skilled-nursing/#:~:text=Essentially%2C%20in%20assisted%20living%20communities,%2C%20if%20not%20all%2C%20ADLs). 
National Poll on Healthy Aging. 2017. “Dementia Caregivers: Juggling, Delaying, and Looking Forward.” National Poll on Healthy Aging. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.healthyagingpoll.org/reports-more/report/dementia-caregivers-juggling-delaying-and-looking-forward). 
Nicholls, Daniel, Esther Chang, Amanda Johnson, and Michel Edenborough. 2013. “Touch, the Essence of Caring for People with End-Stage Dementia: A Mental Health Perspective in Namaste Care.” Aging & Mental Health 17(5): 571–578.
Sörensen, Slivia and Yeates Conwell. 2011. “Issues in Dementia Caregiving: Effects on Mental and Physical Health, Intervention Strategies, and Research Needs” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19(6): 491-496.
Sörenson, Silvia, Paul Duberstein, David Gill, and Martin Pinquart. 2006. “Dementia Care: Mental Health Effects, Intervention Strategies, and Clinical Implications.” The Lancet Neurology 5(11): 961-973.
WHO QOL Group (1995) World Health OrganizationQuality of Life-100. World Health Organization Division of Mental Health, Geneva.
Youtube. 2023. “Studying Mental Health in Dementia Caregivers.” YouTube. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtFI_iu2Vh8).
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agendaculturaldelima · 10 months ago
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📣  FITEC. Ficciones Teatrales en Construcción [Anónimos]
💥 Propuestas escénicas innovadoras que son fruto de intensas investigaciones llevadas a cabo por los egresados de la Carrera de Actuación y que se reúne en una muestra única, entrelazándolas para dar vida a nuevas poéticas que establecen un diálogo vibrante con la realidad de nuestra cultura contemporánea..
© Producción: Dirección de Investigación, junto con la Dirección de Producción artística y Actividades académicas de la Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático [ENSAD].
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📝 Cartelera:
🎭 “[Re] Existir” de Anny Pillaca y Jorge Castillo
🗯 Propuesta escénica que, combinando la performance y la instalación artística junto a símbolos de la colonialidad, construye un espacio que se convierte en escenario del encuentro de dos presencias de diferente naturaleza: una joven migrante y una entidad mística crucificada. Entre rituales ancestrales y desafíos contemporáneos, estas dos presencias se enfrentan a una serie de acciones en busca de su libertad.
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🎭 “¡Vamos a jugar!” de Giomira Espinoza y Estefany Mozombite
🗯 Propuesta escénica que da voz y denuncia la problemática del abuso sexual infantil de manera impactante y realista, empleando fragmentos testimoniales construidos desde la base del leguaje performativo. Guiados por dos performers, se buscará la participación del público quienes desempeñarán roles fundamentales en el desarrollo de la historia, teniendo una experiencia inmersiva y participativa en la representación.
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🎭 “Solo era un chiste” de Rodrigo Fajardo
🗯 Viaje introspectivo a través de los recovecos de Rodrigo quien, en un proceso de autodescubrimiento, explora la compleja dinámica de ser un ciudadano discriminante y, a su vez, ser discriminado en la siempre vibrante sociedad limeña.
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🎭 “Kintsukuroi” de Victor Gonzáles
🗯 ¿Qué significa ser masculino en la sociedad actual? la propuesta busca deconstruir y analizar la masculinidad hegemónica valiéndose del lenguaje corporal, la influencia del Arte Gutai y las dinámicas de género en las relaciones hombre-mujer como herramientas para explorar los elementos sociales que han moldeado la noción tradicional de masculinidad.
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🎭 “Inmunosuprimido” de Bella Vega
🗯 Recorrido de estímulos sensoriales que se convierte en un eco de la realidad oculta de un paciente terminal reflejando los aspectos físicos y emocionales del deterioro y la trama ética que envuelve la toma de decisiones al final de la vida. Esta experiencia sinestésica desafía la sensibilidad del espectador, que podrían resultar incómodos, llevándolo a confrontar y cuestionar sus propias perspectivas frente a la inevitable realidad de la muerte.
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🎭 “Bosque Jukuwa” de Shirley Alva
🗯 María Ayuiyi es el personaje que da voz a los diferentes testimonios anónimos -recaudados en las visitas a las comunidades nativas durante dos años de investigación- que cuentan la verdad de lo ocurrido en torno al Baguazo y las opresiones vividas en la Amazonia.  Mediante un viaje astral, que incluye cánticos, aromas y pshicshina, los invitados lograrán sumergirse en las profundidades de la selva, donde aparecerán momentos históricos de opresión, sociopolíticos, violentos y de exclusión.
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🎭 “sÁCaTeLA” de Josué Roque
🗯 Chelo, un conductor de televisión, busca constantemente la manera de encajar en la sociedad a través de su trabajo. De tal forma, su comportamiento es estereotipadamente masculino cuando se presenta ante su público. Sin embargo, Mary, su jefa, es quien expone su verdadero actuar haciendo que dude si debe continuar con su falso comportamiento o no.
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📆 Viernes 05 y Sábado 06 de Abril
🕖 6:30pm.
🏛 Auditorio Hubert Lanssiers del Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social  (Bajada San Martín 151, Miraflores)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre.
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matthew-s-j · 1 month ago
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meeedeee · 2 years ago
[Клип и песня] Колыбельная Октавии
Fandoms: Otbleski Eterny | Reflections of Eterna - Vera Kamsha
No Archive Warnings Apply
Octavia Alva
Aldo Rakan
Roque Alva
Video Fanfiction
Music Creation
WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat
WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2023
C момента трагической гибели короля Эрнани Ракана его потомки не теряют надежду вернуть власть в свои руки, бережно храня воспоминания о былом величии рода. У молодого Альдо Ракана есть все шансы занять престол и восстановить историческую справедливость, но дальним родственником и главным претендентом на трон оказывается его заклятый враг. Кто же на самом деле Ракан?
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45522451
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jaicherche · 3 years ago
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fabian’s day
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jimtkirkent · 2 years ago
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Вы столь близки и это так опасно,    Но разум, верно, утонул в "Дурной крови". Вы ненавидите меня так страстно,    В полшаге стоя от любви
Рокэ Алва/Ричард Окделл
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zlatokryletz · 3 years ago
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Monseigneur! Yuri Chursin as Roque Alva from the upcoming Reflections of Aeterna series
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miramar-stuff · 4 years ago
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(восприятие глазами Ричарда)
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